September 14, 2014

Node School Event

Recently I was convinced by a friend of mine to go to a Node School Event that he was helping organize. I was always curious about node.js and I've seen pretty interesting applications developed in this platform (and in fairly small amounts of time) so I decided to give it a try.

The event took place on August the 2nd in Faro, Portugal, and it was organized by a local community group called Geek Sessions. They usually organize talks about networking and technology in general. This time they prepared a Node School Event where we were able to learn the basics.

The workshop we were following was the first one from the Node School website: "learnyounode". This one guides you through some basic exercises to get in touch with javascript and node.js. It is composed of 13 lessons, where you'll have to complete 13 exercises. The first ones will show you the difference of creating synchronous and asynchronous algorithms, then you will have the opportunity to learn about modules and simple web applications.
First thing you'll need is to install node.js in your computer. Then you can just download the workshop using the command:
 npm install -g learnyounode  
After this you can start your lessons!
It took me a few hours, since I was new at javascript but I was able to complete the workshop without much of a trouble. You can check my exercises on Github.

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